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Used daily by

Post-purchase emails have a 217 % higher open rate, over 500 % higher click rate, and 90 % higher revenue per recipient (RPR) than your average email campaign.


Leverage your customer's engagement during delivery


Average open rate

Create Klaviyo workflows based on carrier shipment statuses

19 x ROI

Revenue from notifications & tracking page

Build trust and begin a new long-lasting relationship.


Average feedback note

What they say about the integration


Our customized shipping notifications get 75% opens and 15% clicks. We stay in our customer’s mind until the delivery keeping control of our image”.

Maxime CAL/CRM Manager


Average open rate

Our features

Pickup point maps

A map of the pickup point and info about changes to the pickup point can be displayed directly in the email.

Tracking configuration

Add tracking buttons and configure tracking links to measure customer engagement.

Dynamic email templates

Customize your templates with dynamic rows, promo banners, thank you notes, and links to your social media.

Automated flows

Create different automated flows depending on shipping triggers to keep your customers updated at every step in the delivery process.

Leverage display ads

Shipping notifications have a high open rate (>65%). Use this opportunity to display ads to promote other products.

Branded communications

Replace delivery notifications and take full control of copy and visuals using your own brand identity and tone of voice.

How does the Klaviyo integration work?

Each time a notification should be sent in Shipup, an event is sent to Klaviyo. When creating the Klaviyo app in Shipup, a test event will be sent to your Klaviyo account. When reviewing the details of this event you can see all the information that is being pushed by Shipup for every notification.

Connect your e-shop to Shipup with Klaviyo

First, you need to get to the App section of Shipup and click the Plus button to add a new app. Then add your Klaviyo public API. When ready, click on Connect. You should see an app successfully created message. Now you can go to notification setting to decide which notification should be sent with Klaviyo and edit their wording.

We recommend you check out this article

How to create notification templates?

In order to access to Shipup variables in Klaviyo, your will need to create a template starting from a flow. Then, select "Create from Scratch”. After creating a flow, add an email as a first step (drag & drop) and click on "configure content” and configure the template.

Here’s for more info

What are the marketing best practices avec Shipup et Klaviyo ?

There are more than 70 different notifications in Shipup. Marketing strategy and objectives are not going to be the same for a "package delivered notification or an "incident" notification. It's recommended to create different flows and templates for all those situations. Segmenting flow will also help you have a better sense of flow results. For example you can create different flows for first time customer & long time customer. You can also use you notifications to add a promo banner or a thank you note that matches your tone of voice or links to your social media.

Here’s more best practices

A guide for measuring, tracking and taking actions, edited by Shipup

The top 4 post-purchase KPIs: how to track and improve them

This guide is equal parts strategy and actionable insights. It will help you take control of your brand's post-purchase experience using Klaviyo's most powerful features. Although it is particularly actionable for Klaviyo users, it can also be applied to any website.

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